

The above mentioned Non Governmental Organization warmly welcome the Proposals and Advises from all other communities Worldwide. This is based for the sake of People as well as Environment by working hardly. We “greennatureplants” have been serving to the Nation since year 2001 and having a good growth considering our past.

We’ve identified so many locations which is required to plant Trees on either sides of Rural roads, at River banks, Temples, Schools ,Isolated areas, etc. Not only Environmentally but many Elders and disables badly required to be in safe separate Homes under their minimum requirements. According to our experience Elders those who’ve sacrificed their good time to the Nation are unable to have a good life due to no regular income. Ultimately they will not be able to live with their relatives and facing problems resulting being in public places or at a corner of their land as a Solitary.

Those who are interested to be a partner in our Organization by arranging Donations we are ready to forward our projects within the frame of our constitution. Your Suggestions/Proposals are forwarded to our Officials and replying will be done at our earliest. When you are selected to be a partner of a Project all necessary details such as Project Proposals, Plans, Duration, Expenses, Names and their details of the prominent Person(s), Present circumstances of the Project will be informed including Photos. If there’s any requirement to Doner(s) to participate for inauguration or at the final date or at any time can be arranged and welcome.

This is our world and we enjoy ourselves, we earn money and spend. No one can live without others as well as the Environment. We’ve to save the World for the next Generation. If you can be a partner by arranging a Donation to create/initiate a proposed Project as described could be a good Medication for you and for your Family.


Capt. Percy Weerasingha

Mariner (Foreign Going)


Sasi Fernando



Paramie Weerasingha



Ashani Gunawardene

B.B.M.(Special) University of Kelaniya


Thamara De Silva

Thamara De Silva


Lawyer K DS Silva (Attorney-at-Law)

Notary Public
Commissioner for Oaths
Company Secretary Galle Court Complex